FeMiNist PerForMance WOrKshOp: “My Body, My Choice, My voice”

Nati Hurst - Artivism

Introduction Talk: Natalia Hurst and Gabriela Dossow, as activists from Ni Una Menos Austria, invite you to know more about last year’s women’s movement in Argentina and Chile.
The Performance Workshop: Making of a Feminist Performance re-versioning the partisan Song „Bella Ciao with a simple, empowering, choreography: “My Body, My Choice, My Voice”. It can be displayed everywhere. Learning by doing.

This workshop was conceived through an invitation from the Institute for Conflict Investigation in Vienna (IKF) to participate at the ADA PROJECT 2021/ Global Citizen Education, against violence on women and girls : “If I can´t spray it, it´s not my Revolution” , carried in 2021 in different Youth Centers in Vienna, St. Pölten & Graz (Austria).

“If I can´t spray it, it’s not my Revolution”


First Edition 2021 

The artistic results of the workshops will be edited for a wider audience in a zine and made available on a website. As part of the project, Frog Queen Media will produce a short video about the artistic process, which will be presented together with the zine at 29.11.21 in Vienna, during the 16 Days against Violence against Women in November/December 2021.

A cooperation Project initiated by the Institute für Konflikt Forschung (IKF) for Youth Centers in Austria with Ni Una Menos Austria and diverse Institutes and Institutions.

The background for the project of the Institute for Conflict Research (IKF) is the “Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development” adopted by the UN in 2015 with 17 development goals, including gender equality. The goals are knowledge acquisition, reflection on a local and global level, sensibilization to the issue of violence, and ultimately empowerment of the participants, whereby this self-empowerment also takes place through the acquisition of new skills in the artistic and media fields.

More information: .https://www.girls-can.at/projektparterinnen