that aim to revalue
the feminine voice and
its role in strengthening
the social fabric.
Besides her Musical and Vocal Pedagogy degree at Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts, Natalia has 16 years experience teaching Voice at the Theresian Academy ́s Music Department in Vienna. Since 2016, she has also belonged to diverse women empowerment initiatives as a performer and activist; in order to spread, celebrate, debate and rethink the task of women in society.
FeMiNist PerForMance WOrKshOp: “My Body, My Choice, My voice”
Feminist Performance Workshop re-versioning the partisan Song „Bella Ciao“ with a simple, empowering choreography. In collaboration with Gabriela Dossow.
VoiceLab: Discover the sound of your body
Turn a song we like into an interpersonal game: something we produced and offer to others.